The Sky of a Made Up World

The Sky of a Made Up World

Bij Broedplaats Bouw

In this solo exhibition, Chris van Walsum explores the relationship between the sky and his inner turmoil, placing great value on provoking strong emotions within his subjects

Tackling themes such as childhood, anxiety, obsession and human interaction, 

‘The Sky of a Made Up World' presents a collection of works that, over the course of time, have combined acrylic painting and collage techniques; pictorial elements inspired by romanticism and abstract expressionist methods.

His baroque attitude is embodied in his large-scale paintings, where he places great value on both sublimity and emotion. Chris has employed a diversity of materials including leather photo albums, eyelets; a wide range of imagery and fragments of text; as well as thickly applied paint, modeling paste, and pumice stone.

The exhibition features a variety of works, including large and small-scale paintings, collage, as well as drawings on paper.

Date and Time :
Opening hours gallery 12:00 - 18:00


Friday 29 September 17:00 - 21:00
Sunday 1 October 13:00 - 18:00

Chris van Walsum’s diverse body of work represents an interest in a sensory way of thinking as well as a nuanced perception of cyber dystopia, visually encapsulating a broad range of cultural, historical, and digital allusions—from studies of romanticism combined with a form of abstract expressionist projection, to the world of digitalism and social media.

Chris van Walsum lives and works in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
instagram : chrisvanwalsum