Itamar Gilboa

Itamar Gilboa (Tel Aviv, 1973) is a multi-disciplinary artist. Inspired by the power of numbers and the influence of science, Gilboa’s projects are the result of thorough research and data collection. Although diverse - Gilboa's styles and aesthetics are wide-ranging, working in mediums including sculpture, video, drawing and painting – his work is consistent; Gilboa spent most of his artistic career researching factors that determine who he is – social networks, his cultural heritage, national identity and the changes he experienced migrating to the Netherlands.

‘Interestingly, I am not necessarily concerned with creating works that represent who I am. Rather I focus on larger subjects matters. Taking myself as the starting point I am able to grasp these subjects. I am able to focus on consumption issues, migration or violence without being pompous. In this sense I see my work as social sculptures; I have a story to tell’.

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