Sofia Paravicini
Sofia Paravicini


Bij Broedplaats Bouw

Exhibition with Vivian Mac Gillavry and Sofia Paravicini (AGA LAB Artist in residence program)

Sofia Paravicini is an award-winning illustrator and visual artist based in Milan, Italy.

Her work aims to explore the sensuality and poetry of movement and gestures of the human body, in particular the female one.
During her three months as an artist in residence at AGALAB, she experimented printing mono prints with cotton fabrics and with the linocuts process to deepen these two concepts.


Vivian Mac Gillavry is an Amsterdam based visual artist. She graduated from Gerrit Rietveld Academy in 2021.

During my two months residency at AGA LAB I was experimenting with etching and embossing (blinddruk). I used these printmaking techniques to explore patterns of fungi and mycelia networks.

The mycelium can be seen - according to scientist Merlin Sheldrake - as the tissue that holds together much of the world.
There are parts of these fungi networks that are easy to spot, for example, the mushrooms you come across whilst walking in the forest, yet the majority of fungi spread spores without producing mushrooms.

It appeals to my imagination that mushrooms develop above the ground whilst their mycelium, which has no fixed shape, grows below the ground.


26th of May: 16.00-20.00
Ferdinand Huyckstraat 74

Vivian Mac Gillavry
Vivian Mac Gillavry