Agenda archief


Bij Broedplaats Bouw

Enter the intriguing world of "Abstruction”, where the artistic realms of Paul Ouwerkerk, Urshtray, Tobias Becker Hoff, and Micha de Bie intertwine. This unique group show merges the seemingly opposing concepts of abstraction and obstruction, encapsulating the artistic tension between pushing boundaries and navigating obstacles. Witness captivating expressions emerging from the intersection of innovation and challenges, evoking introspection and pushing artistic boundaries.


Paul Ouwerkerk\
Tobias Becker Hoff
Micha De Bie


Friday 23 June, 17:00-21:00


23/06 - 25/06

Visit hours

11:00 - 18:00



Bij Broedplaats Bouw

We invite you to our BOUW pop-up event from 22nd-25th June
Our pop-up is a remarkable opportunity to view our work, engage with some of the BOUW artists and enjoy music, refreshments and cultural experiences.


Thursday, June 22nd till Sunday 25th 
Open everyday from 12:00-18:00
Party on Saturday 24th from 17:00-22:00
Location: St Annedwarsstraat 6, Amsterdam.
In collaboration with multiple identities, a creative space for art and culture in the heart of Amsterdam.

Participating BOUW artists

Children of the Light
Alfie’s Fuzzy Friends
Carolina Aboarrage
Maarten Schuurman
Marcio Pontes
Brigitte de Langen
Daan Mars
Floor Knaapen
Het Gildelab
Marnix Postma
N'atelier Ceramics
Peim Sloot
Roman Zhuk
Suat Ogut

Expositie M.O.T. Milieu Opruim Team

Zeg niet goed zo, doe het zelf’!

Door de kinderen en begeleiders van het  M.O.T. Milieu Opruim Team van stichting Operatie Periscoop.
In de week van 12 tot 18 juni presenteert het M.O.T. Milieu Opruim Team, dit zijn een groep kinderen uit de Gibraltarbuurt, een interactieve expositie ‘Zeg niet goed zo, doe het zelf’. Kom je kijken? Of pak je lege pakjes en dozen en bouw met ons mee aan een stad die verzuipt van de dozen. Wij hebben wel een idee!

Over M.O.T. Milieu Opruim Team
Elke vrijdagmiddag ruimt een groep kinderen uit de Gibraltarbuurt hun buurt op en knutselen met wat ze vinden op straat. Ze recyclen van alles wat ze vinden, op weg naar een schonere buurt. En ‘zeg vooral niet tegen ons goed zo, maar doe het zelf’!


Dinsdag 13 tot donderdag 15 juni van 15u t/m 18u.
Vrijdag 16 juni vanaf 15u tot 18u M.O.T. Feest en handleiding presentatie!
Zaterdag 17 en zondag 18 juni vanaf  11u tot 17u.

Over Operatie Periscoop
Operatie Periscoop: participatief ontwerp, actieonderzoek, community building en social placemaking vanuit de kracht van lokale kennis en kunst in het publieke domein voor al meer dan 12.5 jaar.

Operatie Periscoop brengt plekken in de openbare ruimte in kaart die aandacht nodig hebben.  Via fysieke en sociale interventies katalyseren wij deze tot fijne en sociale verblijfsplekken. De belangrijkste partner is de buurtbewoner.

Voor meer informatie en vragen:

Soft Maps


Bij Broedplaats Bouw

We’re happy to invite you to “Soft Maps”, a duo show by Nadja Schlenker and Sanne van Balen

Opening event on June 8: 4pm – 9pm
Opening hours June 9 & 10: 1pm – 6pm

‘Soft Maps’ is a duo show by Sanne van Balen and Nadja Schlenker in which city and countryside, fine arts and design, water and architecture meet. Both artists focus on their own form and content, but meet each other in color, visual language and research. In 2d and 3d works, they translate their observations and present them as a dialogical whole. The tension between abstraction and the recognisability of the environment is both a source of inspiration and outcome.

 Contact details:
Sanne van Balen

 Nadja Schlenker


This latest exhibition at Bouwput brings together a show of a recent painting project by Bert McLean called “Dinky Van Gogh” where Bert attempts to get to know the work of Vincent Van Gogh through trying to make his work. Bert uses his own painting vocabulary to build a recipe book of painting styles to then use in his work. Bert's work focuses on using drawing, painting, sculpture and hospitality to build his world for the work to live in. He is aiming to make an inviting environment that is a place for silliness and seriousness, allowing for his surroundings and observations to end up in the work – be that through mundane observations or characters he has an affinity with. Such as the “Kent-ish potato”, “Doritos and Olives” or "Putting Kent on the map" (other series he is working on).

You are warmly invited to the exhibition on Saturday 3rd of June at 7pm – 10pm and Sunday 4th from 12pm – 5pm with a workshop run by Bert's close collaborators Mariana Charrua (PT) and Luca Mosbech-Fedele (DK)  

The Parool, Feb. 11, 2011 by: Emma Boelhouwer

An old elderly home in the Kolenkit neighborhood has been converted into a guest house. A godsend in a neighborhood where large families are living small. 'Ideal when visitors come from Morocco.'
'Very good, very good.' A North African man nods approvingly during a tour by the artists' collective Cascoland of the guest house in one of the so-called Piggelmee houses in the Kolenkit neighborhood. ‘You guys are doing good for the neighborhood.’

The two-room, 34-square-meter apartment has received a lick of paint, three beds have been installed and the kitchen cabinets contain plates and cups. 'Very low budget though,' says Fiona de Bell of Cascoland. Starting Monday, the former elderly person's home at Piet Paaltjenspad 6 will serve as a place to sleep for five euros per person at a time for rent and a maximum of three nights in a row. 'As a fall-back option when family comes over.' 

And that's not an unnecessary luxury in a neighborhood where the bulk of the houses are not much bigger than this Piggelmee home and at the same time house large families. Cascoland touched down in the Kolenkit neighborhood in September. The collective operated a neighborhood restaurant, traded a snack for an idea, held consultation hours and built a winter garden with large mobile chicken coops on a piece of vacant land. Fiona de Bell: 'People told me they were annoyed with the piece of land that nothing was being done with and came up with stories about Moroccan farm life with chickens.' 

'Families are crammed into their houses, there is no room for visitors.' 

The Rochdale housing association's tiny homes were also discussed during the consultation hour. With the guest house, Cascoland wants to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood. Neighborhood resident Mohamed El Abdi is sure it will be busy. 'The Kolenkitbuurt is the poorest neighborhood in the Netherlands, there is a lack of everything. Families are crammed into their houses. One room for the parents and one for the children. When visitors come from Morocco or Turkey, the children have to fight for a place on the couch. Now that the demolition and renovation of the houses in the neighborhood has been postponed, this is a great initiative to still help people out. 

El Abdi and his wife themselves do not need to use the house; they have come by to offer their help. Cascoland gratefully accepts that offer. De Bell: ‘We set it up, but the neighborhood has to take over.’
El Abdi: ‘I first came here when I came to the Netherlands in 1992 and I have something with the Kolenkitbuurt. My wife and I bought a house here. Together we can make it a beautiful neighborhood.'
His wife laughs, ‘And if we have a fight, I'll send you here.’

Twelve years later, we see more and more shared spaces appearing in Amsterdam. In response to smaller and more expensive housing in the city and growing individualization of society, shared spaces are proving to be a godsend. We see the concept of a Logeerhuis appearing more and more in large newly built housing complexes, such as in the Rhapsody complex in the Kolenkit neighborhood. But where is the position of a Logeerhuis for the entire neighborhood?

From May 16-21, Cascoland transforms the Bouwput into the former setting of the Logeerhuis. Starring Aicha and Asma as former administrators, we welcome neighborhood residents for an overnight stay for visiting family or friends. We look back and look forward: what have been the various functions and values of the Logeerhuis in recent years? What do we take with us into the future, of the Kolenkit as a neighborhood and for Amsterdam as a city?

May 16 to 21: Logeerhuis de Bouwput
Ferdinand Huyckstraat 74, Amsterdam


Daily exposition: 10:00-17:00 
Daily overnight stays: 17:00-10:00
Daily consultation hour: 10:00-11:00 
16 May 16:00-17:00: Festive opening with auction of Logeerhuis items
May 17 and 18: 12:00-14:00: Communal lunch and conversation
Confirmation of your arrival is appreciated

Want to book a night for friends or family? 

Aicha: 0685386256
Fiona: 0652606667
Room: 2 beds - Price: FREE!

Book quickly this special night, because full is full!